// Copyright⌐ 1998-2003 eHelp« Corporation.All rights reserved.
// Version=4.82
// Warning:Do not modify this file.It is generated by RoboHELP« and changes will be overwritten.
//// Segment Begin -- (JavaScript 1.0)
/// Section Begin - General and relative topics(JavaScript 1.0)
var HH_ChmFilename = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\fxoliva\\Desktop\\Biz Dev Vecchiolli\\Encore (2006)\\WORKS\\Cinderella's Dollhouse\\Cinderella's Dollhouse.chm";
var HH_WindowName = "NewWindow";
var HH_GlossaryFont = "";
var HH_Glossary = "0";
var HH_Avenue = "0";
var HH_ActiveX = false;
HH_ChmFilename = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\fxoliva\\Desktop\\Biz Dev Vecchiolli\\Encore (2006)\\WORKS\\Cinderella's Dollhouse\\!SSL!\\Microsoft_HTML_Help\\Cinderella's_Dollhouse.chm";
//Begin to support previous generic parameters
//Get the information about the browser.
var gstrBsAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var gnBsVer = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
var gbBsOpera = (gstrBsAgent.indexOf('opera') != -1);
var gbBsKonqueror = (gstrBsAgent.indexOf('konqueror') != -1);
var gbBsSafari = (gstrBsAgent.indexOf('safari') != -1);
if (window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.location.href.indexOf("about:blank") != -1) { // add this check. IE will use about:blank" as the default vaule for Iframe.